Shuhei KATO
I'm working for RevComm Inc. as a Senior Research Engineer and researching and developing speech processing, including speech synthesis (Text-To-Speech; TTS). I love udon, a popular traditional Japanese noodle, and succulents. Please visit my LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
My PhD work was rakugo (a traditional Japanese form of verbal entertainment) speech synthesis as a speech synthesis that entertain audiences: Sample audio
Shuhei KATO was born in Feb 11, 1987 at Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan. He graduated from Takamatsu High School, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, in Mar 2005. He received B.E. and Master of Information Science and Technology degrees from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in Mar 2011 and Mar 2013, respectively. He received a Ph.D. degree from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, in Mar 2021.
From Apr 2013 to Jul 2017, He worked for HOYA Service Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, as a researcher/engineer in speech synthesis (Text-To-Speech; TTS) (He moved to HOYA Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, owing to company split/absorption in Jun 2017). From Mar 2020, he has worked for RevComm Inc. as a Research Engineer (Mar–Nov 2020) / Senior Research Engineer (Nov 2020–).
He loves udon, a popular Japanese traditional noodle, and succulents. He also plays jazz on the trombone.
He is with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD). If you work with him, please read the guide of me, who is with ADHD, for those who work with me.